Digital contests are one of the most effective ways to accomplish your marketing goals. A well-executed sweepstake or contest will greatly contribute to driving traffic and conversions, especially when social media is involved. The right prize and game can help your business grow, attract new customers, and encourage action. You will also be able to increase brand awareness, audience engagement, and facilitate loyalty and retention.
Unfortunately, sweepstakes and contests are subject to fraud. Cheaters and bots are prize hunters, simply looking to reap free things from vulnerable promotions. This spoils the fun for people who want to participate, as well as pose a threat to your business.
By taking the right precautions to prevent fraud, you will be able to protect your campaign, customers, and business. Here are several practices you can adopt to ensure the best content administration:
1 – Choose the right prize to offer your audience
The prize you offer serves as the main attraction of your marketing campaign. It’s your audience’s motivation to join, after all, so it’s only right that you choose the best possible offer. Choosing a prize based solely on attraction is a big mistake, however. For major companies, offering a massive price, such as dream vacations and luxury cars, will work. If you’re a small business owner, stick to a prize relevant to your business. It may simply be one or a combination of your products—as long as it helps build your brand, you’re good to go!
2 – Ensure that you have strong contest rules
As you develop your campaign, make sure that your rules are given the highest priority. Draft your official rules to ensure total customer protection, as with total compliance with the law. The rules do more than just protect, as they also help ward off any fraudulent entries.
3 – Consider getting a system that detects and removes fraud entries
Unfortunately, strong contest rules won’t always detect and ward off cheaters. Frauds can get crafty and work their way around your rules. To maintain a fair promotion without consuming much time and effort, consider hiring a reliable platform or service. These companies integrate bot detection, which can eliminate spam and fraud bots. They can also help you streamline new leads, which can then ensure that contestants remain authentic.
4 – Have an expert panel select your winner
Sweepstakes winners are mostly chosen at random, which gives you less control over who wins. Contents, on the other hand, allow you to select a winner. It’s good practice to have others draw your winners for you, however—this helps avoid negative feedback and skepticism.
Closing Notes
Cheaters, unqualified leads, and any fraud activity on your promotional efforts are just some of the many problems you can encounter. Eliminating them, however, will allow you to successfully implement your contest or sweepstakes! The ways listed above are just several ways to protect your customers and business, but it always pays to have a helping hand!
If you’re looking for sweepstakes administration companies, CFA Promo offers you the best solutions. With over 30 years of experience, we’ll help you manage your promotions successfully! Let us handle your strategies—contact our team today!